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I have had many
bone marrow eori
acttxns done- i
am a 5 year canc
er survivor. Yo
u can have the e
oriacttxns compl
eted with some m
ajor pain killer
s. I had my fir
st one done with
lidocaine inject
ed into the extr
action area. I d
o not recommend
this- it was qui
et painful. The
rest I have had
completed with a
pain medication
injection into v
eins- this was j
ust the answer.
I could feel the
pressure of them
working on my lo
wer back but did
not feel any pai
n. The next day
I was sore in my
lower back and l
egs, but it was
manageable.You d
o need to check
your local area-
many places do h
ave funds to hel
p those without
medical insuranc
e- maybe even Me
dicaid.I would h
ighly recommend
getting the test
done- ignoring t
he issue could l
ead to more pain
ful test in the
future and I am
sorry to say, de
ath.If you have
any more questio
ns, feel free to
e-mail me.Holly